thanks for visiting my blog . don't forget to give me a comments or just write in the c-box.
once again thanks guys
ciao :D

Sunday, December 20, 2009

unek unek

hari ini gue pengen nulis yang ada di pikiran gue aja

gue kesel banget hari ini, temen gue pada jalan dan gue ga diajak. padahal biasanya kalo pada mau jalan jalan dan yang lain belom pada tau, langsung gue smsin. kesel banget jadinya, udah kayak ga dianggap gue, udah berapa kali gue diginiin mulu. mana yang ngajakkin pada mau jalan hari ini, deket banget sama gue. DAN DIA GA NGAJAK GUE. gmn gue ga kesel setengah mati.

walaupun kalo gue diajakkin jalan hari ini gue ga bakal dibolehin, tapi setidaknya diajak dong! kerasa ga sih gue sedihnya gimana. mana gue tau mereka pada mau pergi dari tetangga nya temen gue dan kayaknya tuh anak juga pengen ngetawain gue, gara gara gue ga diajak.

inilah kenapa, gue ga mau terlalu terbuka sama temen gue tentang perasaan gue. ngapain ? bilangnya pada ngerti perasaan gue, tapi ngga. emang mereka tau pas gue lagi sedih di sekolah ? ngga. emang mereka pada tau kalo gue pura pura seneng disekolah padahal gue mau nangis ? ngga.

makanya gue tuh bingung, siapa yang mau gue anggap temen deket. soalnya kadang mereka tuh saat gue butuh, ga pernah ada, ga pernah ngasih solusi. kata kata yang paling gue kesel :

"sabar aja ya ndah"

sumpah, ga menyelesaikan masalah, udah keseringan sabar, tapi masalah ga ada yang selesai. lama lama kesabaran gue juga udah abis.

udah deh, sampe disini aja, udah lama ga ngepost, gue nya malah marah marah,


Sunday, November 01, 2009

Sudoku Competition

okay, today i want to post in indonesian (i know i'm still use english). start

oke, hari ini gue mau posting dengan bahasa indonesia.

jadi, hari ini gue pergi ke sekolah pagi pagi, soalnya gue takut terlambat kayak sabtu kemaren, apalagi hari ini gue harus naik angkot soalnya ngga ada yang nganterin.

gue nyampe di sekolah jam 8 kurang 10 menit. tapi gue bingung, kok yang dateng baru anak kelas 8 nya doang, apa jam di hape gue salah, apa mereka lupa kalo hari ini ada lomba.

abis itu, anak anak langsung gue smsin, satu persatu pun datang, widya, wisnu, adhi. tapi peppy ama rico belom dateng. trus gue dapet sms dari peppy katanya dia masih di rumah, trus langsung ke ui. trus si wisnu juga dapet sms dari rico, bilang dia langsung ke ui.

pas kita udah mau berangkat, kita baru nyadar guru pendamping kita ngga ada, yaitu Bu Kuntum. langsung deh gue sms, disuruh nunggu.
setelah kita lama menunggu dengan penuh kesabaran (apa sih ? cuma 10 menit doang) Bu Kuntum pun dateng. setelah itu kita berangkat.

skip skip skip
di mobil kita (gue, widya, adhi, n wisnu) ngerjain soal soal sudoku
gue berenti gara gara pusing ngerjain sudoku black hat
sedangkan wisnu dan adhi pusing karena baca soal
katanya wisnu : lo pusing karena ngerjain soal, gue aja yang baru liat soalnya udah pusing. yang bikin pelit banget ngasih angkanya
skip skip skip

nyampe di ui, trus registrasi ulang, trus langsung masuk tempatnya.
skip skip skip

dari 49 ada 3 kelompok
kelompok ade kelas (gue lupa namanya siapa aja) no.5
kelompok anak cewe (gue, widya, fevi) no.4
kelompok anak cowo (adhi, wisnu, rico) no. 1

pertandingan penyisihan : siapa yang lebih dulu nebak angka angka kosong di sudoku yang ditampilin di layar
langsung aja ya gue kasih tau siapa lawan siapa
pertandingan pertama 3-6 (smpn 20-smpn 20)
pertandingan kedua 2-8 (smpn 115-smpn 115)
pertandingan ketiga 5-1 (smpn 49-smpn 49)
pertandingan keempat 4-7 (smpn 49-smpn 20)

yang masuk semifinal kelompok 3, 2, 1 n 4 (my team, yeay)
pertandingan semifinal : setiap kelompok dikasih 2 kali kesempatan untuk jawab angka angka kosong yang ditampilin di layar. kesempatan pertama dikasih waktu 2 menit, kesempatan kedua dikasih waktu 1 menit.
kelompok 3 dapet nilai 190
kelompok 2 dapet nilai 180
kelompok 1 dapet nilai 200
kelompok 4 dapet nilai 200

jadi yang masuk ke final kelompok 3, 1 sama 4
pertandingan final : kerjain sudoku di karton. kelompok yang pertama kali selesai trus nempelin kartonnya di dinding dikasih nilai kecepatan 50, yang kedua 30, n yang ketiga 10. setiap angka yang bener dikasih nilai 10.
babak 1
kelompok 3 : nilai kecepatan : 10 nilai angka : 370 total 380
kelompok 1 : nilai kecepatan : 30 nilai angka : 400 total 430
kelompok 4 : nilai kecepatan : 50 nilai angka : 350 total 400
babak 2
kelompok 3 : nilai kecepatan : 50 nilai angka : 320 total 370
kelompok 1 : nilai kecepatan : 30 nilai angka : 210 total 240
kelompok 4 : nilai kecepatan : 00 nilai angka : 220 total 220

jadi juaranya
juara 1 : kelompok 3 dengan nilai total 750 dapet sertifikat sama uang Rp 300.000,00
juara 2 : kelompok 1 dengan nilai total 670 dapet sertifikat sama uang Rp 200.000,00
juara 3 : kelompok 4 dengan nilai total 620 dapet sertifikat sama uang Rp 100.000,00

abis itu dikasih break sebelum pembagian hadiah. pas baru mau turun dari lantai 2, ada mahasiswi yang nyamperin kita trus nawarin buat beli tiket obake obake gitu (lupa gue namanya, intinya rumah hantu lah), gue, fevi, ama widya pertamanya nolak soalnya kita mau ngajakkin anak anak yang lain buat ikut, sama peppy pengen izin dulu.

(setelah izin dan ngajak anak anak buat ikutan ke rumah hantu) gue, fevi, widya, sana & sodaranya, adhi, rico, n wisnu beli tiket n nunggu.

pas lagi nunggu ternyata udah mulai pengumuman pemenang, jadi kita lari lari. abis nerima hadiah, kita jalan lagi ke tempat tunggu rumah hantu. ternyata tiketnya harus dikasih nomor dulu. udah gitu, pas nomor udah dipanggil masih harus nunggu lagi di waiting room, sambil nonton film film horor jepang.

nah, pas giliran gue. gue bertiga sama peppy ama widya. trus katanya kita jalannya bareng sambil gandengan tangan. tapi pas mau masuk gue malah didorong dorong ke depan. akhirnya kita nunggu sampe kelompok berikutnya masuk, baru deh bareng bareng jalan sampe selesai

ya pokoknya intinya gitu, gue males ngetiknya. coba tadi boleh bawa hape buat ngerekam. tapi kayaknya juga ga bakal keliatan, soalnya tempatnya gelap.

ok. this is the end of my post.
catch ya guys later

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Spanish songs

I don't know why, now i like spanish songs. Some of them are :

Unbreak My Heart (Regresa A Mi)

No me abandones así

hablando sólo de ti.

Ven y devuelveme al fin

la sonrisa que se fue.

Una vez más tocar tu piel

el hondo suspirar.

Recuperemos lo que se ha perdido.

Chorus : Regresa a mí,

quéreme otra vez,

borra el dolor

que al irte me dio

cuando te separaste de mí.

Dime que sí

Yo no quiero llorar,

regresa a mí.

Extraño el amor que se fue,

extraño la dicha también.

Quiero que vengas a mí

y me vuelvas a querer.

No puedo más si tú no estás,

tienes que llegar.

Mi vida se apaga sin ti a mi lado.


No me abandonas así,

hablando sólo de ti.

Devuelveme la pasión de tus brazos


Lucky (spanish)

Do you hear me,

I'm talking to you

Across the water

across the deep blue ocean

Under the open sky,

oh my, baby I'm trying

Se que quiero cuando te vas

Supe desde tiempo atrás

Es que mi corazón no sabe querer

Hasta volverte a ver

Chorus : Suerte que despierto junto a ti

Suerte que sentí lo que sentí

Suerte que regresas para mí

Nadie tiene la razón

De que exista el amor

Solo hay un tu y yo

Las promesas de los dos

Me esperaras aquí estaré

Lo se

Chorus 2 : Suerte que despierto junto a ti

Suerte que sentí lo que sentí

Suerte que regresas para mí

Suerte que hay más por conocer

Suerte que contigo creceré

Suerte que te tengo al volver

And so I'm sailing through the sea

To an island where we'll meet

You'll hear the music fill the air

I'll put a flower in your hair

Todo tiene final feliz

Desde que te conocí

No hay más que las ganas de estar

Y volver a empezar

[Chorus 2]

Oh yeah guys, if you know some good spanish songs, please remind me, because i want to download it, thanks guys

Friday, October 09, 2009

It's have been a long time since my last post. Now I want to post my shadow teacher mid-term test score

1. English : 45/50
2. Math : 38/40
3. Science : 33/40

Oh my, my score is so bad, especially in Science Test

Ok, whatever. So today, I'm just reading arrum's comics and online. because this is the last chance before the mid-term. While i'm online fb, i see my friends take some application on fb. the name of the application is My Secret Admirer. So I try it too now

First, I've got Anjas Aryo AJrap
Second, I've got Muhammad Faris
And the third, I've got Theofilus Wisnu Handaru

Well, I don't take it seriously, cause it's just an application and they're just my friends

This is the end of my post, see ya later guys :D

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Quick Post

Hey guys, i've been made no post since 3 days ago. why ?
1. I'm lazy
2. On thursday I've must study for shadow teacher's test (on the next day)
3. I'm to tired to online
4. I'm to lazy to typing

Now, I'll not posting about the earlier days, because i'll post about that in the next posting.

So, what I'll posting now ?
I don't know about it too. I'm too dizzy. Because of what ?

Someone that make me got a headache, because i don't know what to do to him.
His words is just too sweet too believe in.

Oh God, what should I do ?

Okay for my friends, this post it's not worth it at all to read.

So, I apologize to you all,

bye, guys

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Boring Day and An Amazing Story

Okay, now i'll be posting something about my boring day. Why ? Cause....i have nothing to do. Oh my god. I'm bored to the death

So, today i'm just do something that always i do when i'm bored
1. online
2. watching tv
3. texting
4. do whatever i want

Then I watching some tv shows in nick. There are :
1. Neds Declassified School Survived Guy
2. iCarly
3. Drake & Josh

I've already watched all of the episodes earlier, but i think it's still funny. especially Neds DSSG and iCarly. I can't stop laughin because spencer wears dress and dancing with many handsome guys in his dream, and he like it ROFL

I'm still online fb and twitter. And now, i'm chatting with my gorilla friend, andika (hahahahaha, peace dik). In the beginning we're still chat about the homework. In another few minutes, we start to chat about something that really don't connect about something that we discuss earlier.

I will post in my blog not in english, but in indonesian. M : Me A : Andika
A : wkwkwkwk. woy, kabupaten di indonesia apaan aja ?
M : lo nanya ama gue, mana saya tau
A : oooh, saya pikir anda tau yang sebenarnya (dgn nada lgi introgasi org)
M : tidaaaak. saya tidak bersalah. hahahahahaha(apadah)
A : saya tidak menyalahkan anda ny. Rahdiani, saya hanya curiga dengan gerak gerik anda selama ini
M : kenapa ? curiga gih sama oranglain (mulai songong)
A : eh, lo biasa aja dong (lngsung nyolot)
M : eh bapak ya yang rese. asal curiga curiga aja(gebrak meja)
A : eh, saya dari tadi sudah berusaha sabar ya... ibu jangan membentak saya seperti itu, saya juga bisa marah... aaauu (banting pintu mobil, malah kepejit)
M : tuh kan, gara gara bapak curiga tak beralasan jadi kena karma, muahahahahahahahaahaha. JGER JGER JGER(effect: suara petir)
A : ibu jangan menyalahkan saya lagi, ternyata benar selama ini, saya sudah curiga sama ibu bahwa ibulah pelakunya (sambil menghentakan kaki, gempa bumi)
M : tidak ada bukti
A : ada !!! (dgn pdnya), tangan dan nafas ibu bau ikan asin, brarti ibulah yg mncuri ikan asin yg tdi saya taro di meja
M : apa coba ?? dasar polisi tidak berguna (wakakakakakakakakakak)
A : siapa yg tdak brguna, gara2 ibu saya gak jadi makan kan (tampang muka mewek)
M : yaelah cuma ikan asin aja, saya beliin deh lautan (songong)
A : tpikan mahal, 1 ikan rp 3000, itu aja gw kredit
M : yaudah saya beliin (l)autan, mau ngga ?
A : jangan, ntar darah tinggi trlalu asin
M : yaudah jadi mau lo apa ? (tambah songong)
A : eh, biasa aja dong gw dari tadi udah sabar ya kok lo mlah tmbh nyolot (mlut udah berbusa kbanyakan ngoceh)
M : ya lo sendiri asal curiga aja, gue laporin ke polisi loh(padahal lagi ngomong sama polisi)
A : ibu g bsa mlaporkan saya ke polisi, karena yg brsalah itu ibu bkan saya (lbih bnyak kluar busa gara2 nglanjutin ngoceh)
M : eh bapak overdosis ya ? wah ketauan nih, bilangin polisi ah
A : koqquh ibbgoyduh bisshhhhahah tttaahuuu ? *kok ibu bisa tau ?* (mlai memasuki sakaratul maut)
M : karena saya adalah dewi kematian
A : laaaa ilaaa ha illaulah muhammadurasullullah (ada gtu org yg mke narkoba ngucap yg kyk bginian)
M : jiahahahahahahaha
ending : pada saat pembacaan doa setelah sang polisi dimakamkan, keluar asap tebal dengan bau yang sangat menyengat *nauzubillah min jallik* *belakangan di ketahui pada saat pemakaman berlangsung, terdapat 2 petugas dinas yg sdang mem-fogging daerah tersebut

Ok, guys now i'll tell you the conclusion from the story.
the conclusion is some police (maybe) will dies cause of overdose because they don't eat salt fish (ikan asin)

and i want to ask you guys something from this story

don't you have anything better to do than reading this weird story ??

hehehehehehe :P

oh yeah, when i told andika, that i'll post our chatting in my blog he says :
" it's up to you, but i recommend to you to publish this story. maybe, there will be a (stupid) director that want to make this story into a movie and then we'll get the oscar awards"

yeah andika, i think it will never happen, but if it happen. i'll be very happy because i'll get the oscar awards. YEAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

(ok, this is my imagination when i've got the oscar awards)

me : thank you all, for all your support. we'll not make it until here if there are no support from you guys. thank you thank you (crying)

the audience : boooooooooooooooooooo (throwing anything that they can throw)

me : so, all of you don't want to support me ? okay (become a devil and throwing all the audience to the pacific ocean) MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

ok, that's all from me folks. i will post again later. ciao :D

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Things I Suck At

Okay, now i am going to write 4 things i suck at in life. Don't laugh on me guys

1. Memorize

I don't know since when, I can't remember everything so well. It's not like i don't remember anything, i can still remember one or two, but sometimes i can totally forgot about it. example : i was telling a gossip with my friend, f. than my other friend, d is passing by and cut the conversation and talking with f for just a minute. after that f ask me to continue the gossip that i've mentioned earlier, when i want to tell her again, my brain is blank, i don't know what i've talking about earlier, than bla bla bla (hehehehehe :P)

2. Ask For Help

Okay, I know that maybe people think what ??? when see the 2nd thing that i suck at
(okay, i'm exaggerate). but, it's true. i don't know why, but i rarely ask for help from the others, especially about my own problems. cause i don't want to bother anyone else, i'd rather keep the problem myself. sometime my friends ask me to tell about my problem, cause they want to help me. but, i'm still choose to cried alone to forget about all my problem. although, i know that people said that crying can't solve the problem

3. Proficiency

The proficiency that i mean in here is the language skill. okay, i know many people maybe think they suck at this too, especially in foreign language. but, i'm not just suck in foreign language, but i suck at my own language, that is indonesian language. not because, i don't know my own language, but i'm suck at the things like reading poem, make a speech, even just for to presentation. because the real is i'm a shy person (okay, i think my friends in school will not agree with this, maybe they will shout out loud : WHAT ?? SHY???(okay, i've been over reacted)) maybe it will be categorized as stage fright

4. Diligence

Okay, maybe is the-most-thing-that-i-suck-at . why ? because i'll not be a member of D'MALES if i'm diligent. my friend, my family, and my teacher (maybe) have no doubts about it that i'm one of the lazy person(okay, how many person do you think that is categorized as a lazy person ? i think there are more than 10 persons) but, i think instead of lazy, (maybe) i'm just a relaxed kind of person.

do you agree with me ?
like the singer in the concert (the audience says : NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO)

ckckckckck, my audience doesn't agree with me, okay, so i will kick them all out from my concert. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (moises arias mode : on)

ok, now i want to tag some of my friends, there are :
I will waiting for your post guys :D